I am currently a member of Prof. Yi Ding’s STYLE group. I became a PhD student at Purdue University in August 2024. I obtained my Master’s degree in Electronic and Information Engineering in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in March 2024, advised by Prof. Xiaofeng Gao at Advanced Network Laboratory (ANL). I obtained my Bachelor’s degree of Computer Science also at SJTU in 2021, co-advised by Prof. Xiaofeng Gao and Prof., IEEE Fellow Guihai Chen.

My research interest focuses on Suistainability of Computing, e.g., Carbon-Efficient Data Center Operation and LLM Serving. I used to work on Data Mining and Recommender Systems during my Master’s and Bachelor’s study. Two representative projects aimed at optimizing system efficiency and business operation of public cloud computing platforms via algorithms and big data toachieve better user experience and earn more profit economically.


🔥 News

  • 2024.08:   I attended NSF DESC workshop held at Purdue on Aug 20-21.
  • 2024.03:   I will join Prof. Yi Ding’s group and become a PhD in ECE student at Purdue University in August 2024.
  • 2023.11:  🎉🎉 I won Excellent Graduate Scholarship of SJTU, and obtained First-Class Graduate Grant of SJTU three years in a row.
  • 2023.05:   I presented Alioth at IPDPS 2023, St. Petersburg, FL, USA. [Photo]

📝 Publications

Alioth: A Machine Learning Based Interference-Aware Performance Monitor for Multi-Tenancy Applications in Public Cloud. [Code]

  Tianyao Shi, Yingxuan Yang, Yunlong Cheng, Xiaofeng Gao, Zhen Fang, Yongqiang Yang, IPDPS 2023, pp.908-917.

FROM: Following the Online Regularized Meta-Leader for Cold-Start Recommendation.

  Xuehan Sun, Tianyao Shi, Xiaofeng Gao, Yanrong Kang, Guihai Chen, SIGIR 2021, pp. 1177-1186.

GCAN: A Group-Wise Collaborative Adversarial Networks for Item Recommendation.

  Xuehan Sun, Tianyao Shi, Xiaofeng Gao, Xiang Li, Guihai Chen, DASFAA 2021, pp. 330-338.

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.11 Excellent Graduate Scholarship of SJTU
  • 2021 ~ 2023 First-Class Graduate Grant of SJTU
  • 2021.06 Outstanding Graduate of SJTU [Certificate]
  • 2021.06 Excellent Bachelor’s Thesis of SJTU
  • 2020.10 No. 95 of LeetCode Cup Team Coding Contest (LCCUP’2020) (top 3.6% of 2575 teams) [Result Screenshot]
  • 2018.12, 2020.12 B-Class Excellent Scholarship of SJTU (top 10%) [2018 Certificate] [2020 Certificate]
  • 2018.10 Excellent (a.k.a. “Three Good”, “三好” in Chinese) Student of SJTU (top 7%) [Certificate]
  • 2018.05 Meritorious Winner of Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM) (top 9.7% of 26062 teams) [Certificate]

💻 Work Experience

📝 Academic Services

  • IEEE Student Member, ACM Student Member
  • External Reviewer of IEEE TNSE, IEEE TNSM, AAAI 2022, ICDM 2023

⚽ Hobbies

I have always been a soccer fan and Supporter of FC Barcelona since 2011. I was a refree of SJTU Football Association during my undergraduate years and Vice Chairman of SJTUFA during 2019-2020. (See this certificate of appointment and report in Chinese)